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盎格鲁阿拉伯马(Anglo-Arabian or Anglo-Arab)

时间: 2013-08-12 16:37:33     来源: 马集网



 盎格鲁阿拉伯马(Anglo-Arabian or Anglo-Arab)本身是一种杂交马,但现在作为一种马的品种也有了自己的地位。它由英纯血马(thoroughbred)和阿拉伯马杂交而成,所以 前缀是Anglo(名词:盎格鲁;英裔美国人)。这种杂交在英纯血种马和阿拉伯母马之间进行,或反之亦然。它也可以是盎格鲁阿拉伯马和英纯血马或盎格鲁阿 拉伯马和阿拉伯马之间的杂交。两匹盎格鲁阿拉伯之间的繁育也是被许可的。无论是怎样的杂交,这匹马必须拥有最低12.5%的阿拉伯马血统才能被认定为盎格 鲁阿拉伯马。

       法国是盎格鲁阿拉伯伟大的生产者之一。法国的盎格鲁阿拉伯可以追逆到两个品种:阿拉伯马场的Massoud和Aslam,一匹“土耳其”的马,可能是已 经灭绝的土库曼的“Trukmene”品种。然后这些从叙利亚进口的马被三个英纯血进行了杂交,得到了Comus Mare, Selim Mare和Daer。几年以后,他们三个的女儿Clovis,Danae和Delpjine为法国盎格鲁阿拉伯马的育种计划奠定了基础。该计划主要的盎格 鲁阿拉伯繁育农场,Pompadour国家盎格鲁阿拉伯马场,坐落在Arnac-Pomoadour,法国中部Corrèze省著名的Château de Pompadour公社。此外,该地区还是法国国家养马场的总部。盎格鲁阿拉伯持有一种法国最古老的血统簿,法语里的Selle,全国领先的运动马,对盎 格鲁阿拉伯的繁育有深远的影响。


       不同组合杂交的结果培育出来的盎格鲁阿拉伯大小、外观变化明显。无论如何,通常来说,盎格鲁阿拉伯比普通阿拉伯更高一些并且少了几分精致。个头最大的马 通常由英纯血马的母马和阿拉伯马的种公繁育而成。这个品种遗传出来的精品是:良好的骨骼,阿拉伯马的耐力,和纯血一样好的速度和爆发力。

       盎格鲁阿拉伯平均高度为15.2-16.3手62-67英寸(157-170厘米)高。最常见的颜色是栗色,红棕色(有时也被成为棕色)或灰色。理想的 培育目标是结构更加强有力(strongly)酷似阿拉伯,当然他们的结构看起来不会完完全全的像一匹纯血或一匹阿拉伯。他们有长长的脖子,肩隆突出,结 构紧凑,身体强壮(比纯血坚固),胸深,骨骼坚实。盎格鲁 - 阿拉伯马应该具有体积小,精致的头,类似于阿拉伯,但他们不应该有过于凹陷的轮廓

The Anglo-Arabian or Anglo-Arab is a crossbred horse that now also has its own status as a horse breed. It is a Thoroughbred (thus, the prefix "Anglo") crossed with an Arabian. The cross can be made between a Thoroughbred stallion and an Arabian mare, or vice-versa. It can also be a cross between either an Anglo-Arab and a Thoroughbred or, alternatively, an Anglo-Arab and an Arabian. Another permitted cross is between two Anglo-Arabians. No matter the cross, a horse must have a minimum 12.5% of Arabian blood to be considered an Anglo-Arabian.

France is one of the greatest producers of Anglo-Arabians. The French Anglo-Arab traces back to two stallions: the Arabian stud Massoud andAslam, a "Turkish" horse, probably of the now-extinct Turkoman or "Turkmene" breed. These Syrian imports were then crossed with a trio of Thoroughbreds, specifically, the Comus Mare, the Selim Mare, and Daer. Some years later, three of their daughters — Clovis, Danae, and Delphine — formed the foundation of the French Anglo-Arabian breeding program. The program's primary Anglo-Arab breeding farm, Pompadour National Anglo-Arab Stud, is located in Arnac-Pompadour, a commune of central France's Corrèze department, home to the famous Château de Pompadour. In addition, the area serves as the French National Stud's headquarters. The Anglo-Arabian possesses one of France's oldest studbooks, and the Selle Francais, the country's leading sport horse, still bears the stamp of significant Anglo-Arab influence.

In the past, the Anglo-Arab has been used for military purposes. However, at present, its most prominent occupation is that of a general riding or sport horse. The breed does well in eventing, due to its stamina, speed, and jumping ability. In the United States, the Anglo-Arabian is considered a "part-bred" Arabian and, consequently, is registered within a separate section of the Arabian Horse Association.

Anglo-Arabian competing in eventing.

Breed Characteristics

As a result of different crosses that can produce an Anglo-Arabian, the size and appearance is noticeably variable. However, on average, an Anglo-Arabian is a bit taller than the average Arabian and of somewhat less refined type. The largest horses are usually produced by breeding a Thoroughbred mare to an Arabian stallion. The best examples of this breed inherit the refinement, good bone, and endurance of the Arabian, as well as the speed and scope of the Thoroughbred.

Anglo-Arabians average 15.2–16.3  hands (62–67 inches, 157–170 cm) high. The most common colors are chestnut, bay (sometimes called "brown") or gray. The breed ideal is for a horse to haveconformation that more strongly resembles the Arabian, though they should not look entirely like either a Thoroughbred or an Arabian. They have a long neck, prominent withers, a compact and strong body (sturdier than the Thoroughbred), a deep chest, and solid bone. Anglo-Arabians should have small, fine heads, similar to an Arabian, but they should not be overly "dished" in profile.


A gray Anglo-Arabian
Distinguishing features Well-formed, powerful, good gaits, sport horse characteristics. Combines traits of both Arabian andThoroughbred breeds
Alternative names Anglo-Arab
Country of origin Worldwide, most popular in the United Kingdom, France, and the United States
Breed standards
Association Nationale Anglo-Arabe Breed standards
Arabian Horse Association Breed standards
Horse (Equus ferus caballus)

关键词:盎格鲁阿拉伯马 Anglo-Arabian or Anglo-Arab 马集网 