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时间: 2013-08-12 16:54:36     来源: 马集网



世 界上有一种马叫帕洛米诺马(Palomino),严格来讲这并不是一个专门的品种,而是一种马的毛色。帕洛米诺马在多数语言中都取类似“帕洛米诺”的发 音,而汉语早已有名词,古代汉语叫“骠”(黄马,鬃鬣尾是白色),后来我们更直接的管它叫“银鬃马”,老百姓简称为“银鬃”,很直接、很形象。其实,不少 马种中都有或多或少比例的银鬃马。美国人喜欢“整合”,他们把同一种毛色的马搜集到一起进行科学研究、登记和繁育,这就形成了美国的帕洛米诺马。


曾 支持过哥伦布发现新大陆的西班牙女王伊莎贝拉(Isabella,生于1451年4月22日,卒于1504年11月26日,伊莎贝拉的西班牙语意思是“上 帝的承诺”)非常喜欢黄色被毛、白鬃白尾的马,并把这种毛色的马饲养在马场里进行繁育,因此当时西班牙管这种黄色被毛、白鬃白尾的马叫伊莎贝拉马,就是在 今天的西班牙等国,有时候也管帕洛米诺马叫伊莎贝拉。关于这种马的命名有几种说法,一种是在1519年,探险家兼殖民主义头子科特斯把伊莎贝拉马带到美 洲,由于从科特斯手里第一个接收这种马的人是西班牙绅士胡安•德•帕洛米诺(Juan de Palomino),因此以他的名字命名。另一种说法是,西班牙有一种独特的雪莉酒,这种酒之所以独特,因为它是用当地的一种叫帕洛米诺的葡萄酿造的,而 这种葡萄的颜色呈金黄色,当地的马正好也是金黄色,故采用葡萄的名字来借以命名马。
马毛色遗传专家斯堡涅恩贝尔格也把这种毛色的马叫做“伊莎贝 拉”,根据他的描述,这里还有一段关于伊莎贝拉女王的轶事呢!那是在围困奥斯登德(Ostende)的时候,伊莎贝拉女王宣称围攻不结束,她不换掉身上的 白衬衣。但是战争拖延的时间要比她想象的长得多,她的衬衣最后也变得发黄了,因此就把这种颜色的马命名为“伊莎贝拉”,倘若黄色的衣服配上西班牙女王发黄 白色的头发,这种比喻倒也极其形象。


栗 色的马,白鬃白尾,就是笼统上说的帕洛米诺马,亦即银鬃马。过去,遗传学尚不发达,人们只能凭借马的外表用肉眼来判断。随着分子生物学的发展,马的毛色遗 传原理也得到了揭示,控制银鬃马的毛色是“奶油色基因”对栗色毛马的“栗色基因”“稀释”的结果,其基因型为杂合型,即CCcr。因此银鬃马和银鬃马杂 交,只有50%的概率生成银鬃马,还有25%的概率生成栗色毛(CC),25%的概率生成奶油色毛(CcrCcr)。可以看出,栗色毛和银鬃马杂交可能有 50%的概率生成银鬃马,但不会生成奶油色的马;栗色毛马和奶油色毛马杂交肯定生成银鬃色马;银鬃色马和奶油色马杂交生成各占50%的银鬃色和奶油色毛 马。当然,除了银鬃、奶油色毛以外,某些毛色中也含具有奶油色稀释基因的毛色(比如鹿皮色),也是生成银鬃马的遗传基础。假如摩尔根马和夸特马的育马者也 想要银鬃马,请注意一定用栗色毛马和银鬃毛马杂交,不要用银鬃毛马和银鬃毛马杂交,因为摩尔根马与夸特马这两个品种的协会都不允许奶油色毛马登记注册。
帕 洛米诺马的基因大多存在于矮马和牧牛马中,但是在秘鲁的帕索斯马(Peruvian Pasos)、帕索菲诺斯马(Paso Finos)、美国骑乘马(American Saddlebreds)、摩尔根马(Morgans)、田纳西走马(Tennessee Walking Horses)也存在这种基因。帕洛米诺毛色在纯血马中发现过,但是非常罕见。研究证明,在阿拉伯马中几乎不存在这种银鬃尾的马。美国帕洛米诺马登记协会 对该马的体高要求是14至17掌,身体被毛是“新铸的美国金币”的颜色,即金黄色,其变化的范围可以从浅色到深色的黄色,皮肤一般为灰色、黑色、褐色或杂 色,但不能是粉色皮肤或斑点色(脸部和四肢除外)。眼睛是黑色或褐色,鬃、鬣、尾都是白色的,在鬃鬣尾允许有一定量的暗色毛或栗色毛,但不能超过15%。 身体不允许有背线,四肢不允许有斑马纹。马头和骨骼要清秀,整体结构适合配备西部或英式马鞍具。登记规则还要求帕洛米诺马不能有矮马和挽用马的外貌特征。


帕 洛米诺马的基因大多存在于矮马和牧牛马中,但是在秘鲁的帕索斯马(Peruvian Pasos)、帕索菲诺斯马(Paso Finos)、美国骑乘马(American Saddlebreds)、摩尔根马(Morgans)、田纳西走马(Tennessee Walking Horses)也存在这种基因。帕洛米诺毛色在纯血马中发现过,但是非常罕见。研究证明,在阿拉伯马中几乎不存在这种银鬃尾的马。美国帕洛米诺马登记协会 对该马的体高要求是14至17掌,身体被毛是“新铸的美国金币”的颜色,即金黄色,其变化的范围可以从浅色到深色的黄色,皮肤一般为灰色、黑色、褐色或杂 色,但不能是粉色皮肤或斑点色(脸部和四肢除外)。眼睛是黑色或褐色,鬃、鬣、尾都是白色的,在鬃鬣尾允许有一定量的暗色毛或栗色毛,但不能超过15%。 身体不允许有背线,四肢不允许有斑马纹。马头和骨骼要清秀,整体结构适合配备西部或英式马鞍具。登记规则还要求帕洛米诺马不能有矮马和挽用马的外貌特征。


金 黄色的马,银鬃银尾,是一种非常超脱和极其美丽的毛色。这种毛色决定了它的用途就是马匹选美比赛和仪仗队检阅用马,再有就是随着电影、电视剧事业的发展, 漂亮的银鬃马也成了主角。比如,好莱坞电影中有一匹名马名叫“扳机”(Trigger,1932年出生,死于1965年7月3日),它的父亲是纯血马,母 亲是银鬃的杂交马,“扳机”起初的名字叫金色云(Golden Cloud),因为它的毛是美丽的金黄色,而它的鬃毛和尾巴是白色的。它的母亲也是一匹帕洛米诺马(银鬃马)。“扳机”成为它那个时代最有名的马之一,共 拍了87部电影,出演过101部电视剧。再比如,曾在美国轰动一时、家喻户晓的《埃德先生》是1960年代的电视情景喜剧,其中主角就是一匹银鬃马,马的 品种是美国骑乘马,马的真实名字叫“收割竹子的人”(Bamboo Harvester)。事实上,帕洛米诺马是一个全能的马,不能为了单一的追求毛色而牺牲马的外貌、性能等方面的要求。帕洛米诺马可以从事各种马术运动, 从“截牛”到野外骑乘都是不错的。

Palomino is a coat color in horses, consisting of a gold coat and white mane and tail. Genetically, the palomino color is created by a single allele of a dilution gene called the cream gene working on a "red" (chestnut) base coat. However, most color breed registries that record palomino horses were founded before equine coat color genetics were understood as well as they are today, and hence the standard definition of a palomino is based on the coat color visible, not the underlying presence of the dilution gene.

Due to their unusual color, palominos stand out in a show ring, and are much sought after as parade horses. They were particularly popular in movies and television during the 1940s and 1950s. One of the most famous palomino horses was Trigger, known as "the smartest horse in movies," the faithful mount of the Hollywood Cowboy star Roy Rogers. Another famous palomino was Mr. Ed (real name Bamboo Harvester) who starred on his own TV show in the 1960s.


Palomino horses have a yellow or gold coat, with a white or light cream mane and tail. The shades of the body coat color range from cream to a dark gold.
Unless also affected by other, unrelated genes, palominos have dark skin and brown eyes, though some may be born with pinkish skin that darkens with age.[1] Some have slightly lighter brown or amber eyes.[2] A heterozygous cream dilute (CR) such as the palomino must not be confused with a horse carrying champagne dilution. Champagne (CH) dilutes are born with pumpkin-pink skin and blue eyes, which darken within days to amber, green or light brown, and their skin acquires a darker mottled complexion around the eyes, muzzle, and genitalia as the animal matures.[1]
A horse with rosy-pink skin and blue eyes in adulthood is most often a cremello or a perlino, a horse carrying two cream dilution genes.[3]
The presence of the sooty gene may result in a palomino having darker hairs in the mane, tail and coat.[4] The summer coat of a palomino is usually a slightly darker shade than the winter coat.[4]

Colors confused with palomino

Many non-palominos may also have a gold or tan coat and a light mane and tail.
Chestnut with flaxen: Lighter chestnuts with a light cream mane and tail carry a flaxen gene, but not a cream dilution. For example, the Haflinger breed has many light chestnuts with flaxen that may superficially resemble dark palomino, but there is no cream gene in the breed.
Cremellos carry two copies of the cream gene and have a light mane and tail but also a cream-colored hair coat, rosy pink skin and blue eyes.
The champagne gene is the most similar palomino mimic, as it creates a golden-colored coat on some horses, but golden champagnes have light skin with mottling, blue eyes at birth, and amber or hazel eyes in adulthood.[5]
Horses with a very dark brown hair coat but a flaxen mane and tail are sometimes called "chocolate palomino," and some palomino color registries accept horses of such color. However, this coloring is not genetically palomino. There are two primary ways the color is created. The best-known is a liver chestnut with a flaxen mane and tail. The genetics that create light flaxen manes and tails on otherwise chestnut horses are not yet fully understood, but they are not the same as the cream dilution. The other genetic mechanism is derived from the silver dapple gene, which lightens a black coat to dark brown, and affects the mane and tail even more strongly, diluting to cream or near-white.[6]
buckskins have a golden body coat but a black mane and tail. Buckskin is also created by the action of a single cream gene, but on a bay coat.
Dun horses have a tan body with a darker mane and tail plus primitive markings such as a dorsal stripe down the spine and horizontal striping on the upper back of the forearm.
The pearl gene in a homozygous state creates a somewhat apricot-colored coat with pale skin. When crossed with a single cream gene, the resulting horse, often called a "pseudo-double-dilute", appears visually to be a cremello.

Color breed registries

In the United States, some palomino horses are classified as a color breed. However, unlike the Appaloosa or the Friesian, which are distinct breeds that also happen to have a unique color preference, Palomino color breed registries often accept a wide range of breed or type if the animals are properly golden-colored. The Palomino cannot be a true horse breed, however, because palomino color is an incomplete dominant gene and does not breed "true". A palomino crossed with a palomino may result in a palomino about 50% of the time, but could also produce a chestnut (25% probability) or a cremello (25% probability). Thus, palomino is simply a partially expressed color allele and not a set of characteristics that make up a "breed."
Because registration as a palomino with a color breed registry is based primarily on coat color, horses from many breeds or combination of breeds may qualify. Some breeds that have palomino representatives are the American Saddlebred, Tennessee Walking Horse, Morgan and Quarter Horse. The color is fairly rare in the Thoroughbred, but does in fact occur and is recognized by The Jockey Club.[7] Some breeds, such as the Haflinger and Arabian, may appear to be palomino, but are genetically chestnuts with flaxen manes and tails, as neither breed carries the cream dilution gene. However, in spite of their lack of cream DNA, some palomino color registries have registered such horses if their coat color falls within the acceptable range of shades.
While the color standard used by palomino organizations usually describe the ideal body color as that of a "newly minted gold coin" (sometimes mistakenly claimed to be a penny), a wider a body color range is often accepted, ranging from a cream-white color to a deep, dark, chocolate color ("chocolate palomino"), that may actually be silver dapple or liver chestnut with a flaxen mane and tail.

Requirements for registration

In the United States, there are two primary color breed registries for Palomino-colored horses, the Palomino Horse Association (PHA), and the Palomino Horse Breeders of America (PHBA).
The Palomino Horse Association (PHA) registers palomino horses of any breed and type "on color and conformation."[8] The shade of color considered ideal by the PHA is the color of a gold coin, but shades of palomino from light to dark gold are accepted. The mane and tail are required to be white, silver, or ivory, but up to 15% dark or reddish-brown hair is accepted. In the interest of breeding palomino horses, the PHA also registers full double-dilute blue-eyed cremellos, erroneously called "cremello palominos" by the PHA.[9][10] Horses that are not recorded by any other registry of unknown pedigree are accepted if their color meets the PHA definition of "palomino."[9][10]
The Palomino Horse Breeders of America (PHBA) has stricter requirements. To be accepted by the PHBA, in addition to color, a horse must have the general structure appropriate to the breeds of light riding type recognized by the PHBA. The adult height of the PHBA horse should be 14 to 17 hands (56 to 68 inches, 142 to 173 cm), and the horse must not show draft horse or pony charasteristics. An individual that does not meet the height requirements may still be accepted if it is registered in one of the breed registries recognized by the PHBA.[11] The PHBA usually requires horses or both parents of the horse to be registered by or eligible for registration with certain recognized breed registries, including those for the American Quarter Horse, Paint, Appaloosa, Saddlebred, Morgan, Holsteiner, Arabian, assorted part-Arabian registries, Pinto (horse division only), Thoroughbred, and assorted gaited horse breeds.[11] Horses with PHBA-registered parents are also eligible even if they are not recorded with any other breed registry. In some situations, mares and geldings may be registered without pedigree on account of their conformation and color only, but stallions must always have pedigrees that are "verified in fact."[11]
The ideal PHBA body color is the shade of "a United States gold coin". The mane and tail must be naturally white, and may not have more than 15% black, brown or off-colored hairs. Brown or dark Primitive markings are not accepted. PHBA also does not accept horses that are gray or show color characteristics of Paints, pintos, Appaloosas or cremellos or perlinos.[11] The skin must be dark, other than pink skin on the face connected to a white marking. The PHBA will not accept a horse for regular registration if it has all three characteristics of a double-dilute cream: light (or pink) skin over the body; white or cream-colored hair over the body; and eyes of a blush cast. White markings on the face and legs may not exceed certain limits. Leg white may not be higher than the level of the elbow or the stifle, white on the face may not extend past the throatlatch. Spotting and characteristics of the Leopard complex and the various pinto patterns are not accepted, and body spots of less than a 4 inch diameter may be allowed.[11] Horses with non-dark skin on the body, white or creamy coat and pink skin around the eyes are not accepted. Spots of pink skin visible in the muzzle or around the eyes, under the tail and between the hind legs are not accepted. An exception is made for horses registered with the American Saddlebred Horse Association, which may have skin of any color.[11] Accepted eye colors are black, brown, blue and hazel. However, horses with blue or partially blue eyes are accepted only if their registration certificate from a recognized breed association mentions the eye color, they are also accepted on horses of unknown pedigree if they are gelded or spayed.[11]


1^ a b Cook, D; Brooks S, Bellone R, Bailey E (2008). "Missense Mutation in Exon 2 of SLC36A1 Responsible for Champagne Dilution in Horses". In Barsh, Gregory S. PLoS Genetics 4 (9): e1000195. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000195. PMC 2535566. PMID 18802473. "Foals with one copy of CR also have pink skin at birth but their skin is slightly darker and becomes black/near black with age."
2^ Locke, MM; LS Ruth, LV Millon, MCT Penedo, JC Murray, AT Bowling (2001). "The cream dilution gene, responsible for the palomino and buckskin coat colors, maps to horse chromosome 21". Animal Genetics 32 (6): 340–343. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2052.2001.00806.x. PMID 11736803. "The eyes and skin of palominos and buckskins are often slightly lighter than their non-dilute equivalents."
3^ "Horse Coat Color Tests". UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory. Retrieved 2009-06-04.
4^ a b Johanna, Viitanen (2007). Hevosen värit [Colours of the horse] (in (Finnish)). Vudeka. pp. 56–58. ISBN 978-952-99464-8-8.
5^ "Genetics of Champagne Coloring." The Horse online edition, accessed May 31, 2007 at http://www.thehorse.com/viewarticle.aspx?ID=9686
6^ The silver dapple gene is not a graying gene. It is a dilution gene which acts only on black pigment.
7^ "Coat Colors of Thoroughbreds"
8^ Registration and Membership Instructions Palomino Horse Association Registration and Membership, accessed December 6, 2009
9^ a b "Palomino Horse Association History". Palomino Horse Association. Retrieved December 6, 2009.
10^ a b "Registration and Membership Instructions". Palomino Horse Association. Retrieved December 6, 2009.
11^ a b c d e f g "2009 Registration and Transfer Rules". Palomino Horse Breeders of America. Retrieved December 7, 2009.
"Horse coat color tests" from the UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Lab
"Introduction to Coat Color Genetics" from Veterinary Genetics Laboratory, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis. Web Site accessed January 12, 2008

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